Chiropractic Can Help You with Exercise Performance & Recovery

  • Hydration – lack of hydration can cause headaches, muscle tightness or cramping, and fatigue.

  • Muscle Restoration – the body repairs the small muscle fiber tears during the recovery stage.

  • Metabolic Health – insulin sensitivity can be improved with recovery which in-turn decreases the risk of conditions like diabetes.
  • Injury – this happens when the muscles don’t fully recover, and then begin rigorous exercise again right away.

  • Muscle Soreness – muscles that are sore or tight too long after exercising.

  • Plateau in Exercise Performance – this is when exercise results level off or even decrease because the muscles have not recovered fully.

  • Fatigue – a feeling of exhaustion throughout the body and in the muscles.

  • Increases stability and balance – when it comes to exercise, having strong stability and balance is indicative of having a strong core, and is critical for not only exercise enthusiasts, but also to function day to day. Essentially, chiropractic care ensures that the body can safely exercise long-term.

  • Increased energy and better sleep – a decrease in both of these areas can cause an issue in exercise as it can lead to poor motor control, weight gain, and stronger susceptibility to illness and injury. By removing subluxations from the spine and aligning it properly, the body is able to relax and achieve more sound sleep at night leading to energy during the day.

  • Decreases chronic pain – so many people across the country suffer from chronic pain in general, and that doesn’t exclude athletes. Chiropractic helps to build strength in the spine and joints, and boost the immune system.

  • Whole – body health – many exercise enthusiasts may be under the false impression that chiropractic care only helps with spinal health, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. We must educate our patients in the fact that chiropractic care, although treatment is centered around the spine, the entire body receives benefits from it.

  • Decrease post-workout soreness – it is common amongst those who exercise regularly to feel tightness or soreness after an intense workout. While this is most often a good sign of muscles strengthening, it can also be something more serious or create a potential injury problem when the patient goes to a hard workout again. Chiropractic can help lower the recovery time.

  • Strengthen the body – though chiropractic adjustments, we have the ability to relieve tension in the body, hindering athletic performance, by allowing the nervous and skeletal systems to work in tandem.

  • Range of motion – with chiropractic adjustment, any joint subluxations or restrictions and relaxing the muscles, therefore improving pain and range of motion in the joints.

  • Myofascial release – this can be in office, but also give them the knowledge of what to do at home with things like foam rollers and massage balls which can relieve trigger points and muscle tightness. Additionally, educate the patient on both static and dynamic stretching.

  • Anti-inflammatory diet – recommend healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids to decrease inflammation, incorporate foods high in antioxidants like fruits and veggies to fight inflammation created by exercise, and prioritize an adequate amount of protein to rebuild muscle tissue.

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