Iowa Acupuncture Chiropractic CE 12 Credit Hour Savings Package


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Iowa Acupuncture Chiropractic CE
You receive a total of 12 Credit Hours for Acupuncture-related Chiropractic Continuing Education.
Offered only for chiropractors who are certified/licensed to provide acupuncture services in their state.
Acupuncture for Headaches – 5 Hours
In this chiropractic CE course, discover various types of headaches in depth from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. The chiropractor will dive deep into symptoms for each type of headache, acupuncture points, TCM Patterns, herbal formulas and their actions, lifestyle suggestions, and more. Lastly, enhance your knowledge on the benefits of auricular acupuncture, cupping, and moxibustion for headaches.
Understanding Safety with Anatomy & Acupuncture – 2 Hours
As providers we want to avoid injuries at all costs, this course will go over cases in which injuries have occurred from incorrect acupuncture needling. Additionally, we will review anatomy, regions of the body that are more at risk for these types of injuries, and more.
Insight into Acupuncture for Allergies & the Common Cold – 3 Hours
In this course the chiropractic provider will dive into the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how it treats allergies and the common cold. Key topics include TCM patterns, herbal formulas, acupuncture points, auricular acupuncture, moxibustion, lifestyle recommendations & more for allergies and the common cold.
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Sports Injuries – 2 Hours
In this chiropractic CE course, the chiropractor will explore acupuncture channel theory, acupuncture research, De Qi, electroacupuncture, pain management, and more, as they each connect to sports injuries. Uncover evidenced based approaches to acupuncture for the treatment of sports injuries, and find ways to incorporate Eastern medicine principles into your present-day chiropractic practice.
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