How does it work? Buy now & finish at your own pace. Read the material – Take the quiz – Receive your certificate!
Your course purchase includes: Reading material for each course 1 Quiz per course 1 Certificate of Completion per course (upon passing score of the quiz)
DC Package Savings – 50% Off Deal Regular price $20 per credit, now $9.99 per credit.
You receive a total of 12 credits for $9.99 per credit hour. Total $119.88
Learn how to avoid confidentiality issues and disputes with patients by understanding HIPAA laws, informed consent, patient confidentiality, and professional boundaries. For a great price, this course offers just that and more by going into detail on court cases that have direct and important implications for all health care providers in practice. This course covers the most important components of professional ethics and boundaries that are relevant to providers today.
Sexual Boundaries for the Healthcare Provider Part 1 – 3 Credit Hours *Ethics & Boundaries Requirement
Gain a better understanding of professional boundaries, the patient and provider relationships, and how to prevent boundary issues from occurring in your practice. Real life scenarios will be discussed so you can learn how to avoid potential law suits from occurring.
Implicit Bias Training – 1 Hour
In this ethics chiropractic CE course, develop your understanding of implicit bias and where it comes from. Upon completion of the course, the chiropractor will be able to define implicit bias and explain why it occurs, describe the importance of fairness and inclusivity in the decision-making process, identify the negative impact of gender bias, explain the benefits of diversity, and much more.
Vitamins & Nutrition – 3 Hours
In this chiropractic CE course, explore the connection between vitamins and health with ‘Vitamins & Nutrition’. Chiropractic providers can expect to learn about water soluble vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, vitamin toxicity, vitamin deficiencies, and much more.
Understanding Colorectal Cancer – 3 Hours
In this chiropractic CE course, the chiropractor will learn about colorectal cancer (CRC) and the impact it has on human health and society as a whole. Compare and contrast the patterns of colorectal cancer among the United States and other nations, learn about predisposing risk factors for colorectal cancer, understand prevention against CRC, mortality rates, and much more.