Nova Scotia Chiropractic Continuing Education 12 Credit Hour Savings Package


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Nova Scotia Chiropractic Continuing Education Courses
DC Package Savings – 50% Off Deal
Regular price $20 per creditnow $9.99 per credit.
You receive a total of 12 credits for $9.99 per credit hour.
Total $119.88
Multiple Sclerosis – Essential Topics – 4 Hours
In this chiropractic continuing education course, we explore the etiology of multiple sclerosis (MS), discover classifications of MS, and the management and complications of this affliction. Focusing on the anatomy, physiology, and biomedical perspective, the chiropractor can expect to learn about the clinical presentation of MS, a proper workup for MS, what it’s like to live with MS, and much more.
The Opioid Crisis: Then & Now – 4 Hours
The chiropractic provider will expand their knowledge on the opioid crisis and the impact on the healthcare profession as a whole. Providers will be able to identify classifications of opioids, their actions within the various systems of the body, and the common uses of opioids. The chiropractor will discover more about the history of the opioid epidemic, signs, symptoms, and complications of an opioid overdose, opioid epidemic prevention, and more.
Understanding Colorectal Cancer – 3 Hours
In this chiropractic CE course, the chiropractor will learn about colorectal cancer and the impact it has on human health and society as a whole. Compare and contrast the patterns of colorectal cancer among the United States and other nations, learn about predisposing risk factors for colorectal cancer, understand prevention against CRC, mortality rates, and much more.
Herbal & Supplemental Safety Part 2 – 1 Hour
A continuation of the first Herbal & Supplemental Safety chiropractic continuing education course, discussing contraindications to specific herbal supplements.
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