Oregon Chiropractic Continuing Education 19 Credit Hour Savings Package


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How does it work?
Buy now & finish at your own pace.
Read the material – Take the quiz – Receive your certificate!
Your course purchase includes:
Reading material for each course
1 Quiz per course
1 Certificate of Completion per course (upon passing score of the quiz)
DC Package Savings – 50% Off Deal
Regular price $20 per creditnow $9.99 per credit.
You receive a total of 19 credits for $9.99 per credit hour.
Total $189.81
LGBTQ Cultural Competency & Awareness – 2 Hours **Requirement
In this chiropractic continuing education course, the chiropractor will develop their understanding on LGBTQ cultural competency and awareness. Upon completion of the course, the chiropractor will be able to identify primary healthcare concerns that impact the LGBTQ community, recognize important terminology that can be used to describe one’s gender identity, learn about the history behind Pride Month, discover how to be more culturally aware and competent when providing treatment for individuals within the LGBTQ community, and much more.
Management & Treatment of Scoliosis – 4 Hours
In this chiropractic continuing education course, the provider will advance their understanding on the condition of scoliosis. Key topics that are analyzed include the presentation of scoliosis, grading, medical management, physical therapy and bracing, musculoskeletal complications, neurological complications of scoliosis, and much more.
Chiropractic Ethics: Informed Consent – 2 Hours
In this chiropractic CE course, the provider will review their understanding of informed consent. Noteworthy topics include ethical principles, requirements of informed consent, discussing risk & benefits with the patient, informed consent for research studies, appropriately documenting informed consent, and much more.
Understanding Sexual Harassment – 1 Hour
In this chiropractic CE course, the chiropractor will explore the various consequences of sexual harassment, understand the repercussions of sexual harassment violations, and develop a plan to foster continuous awareness of this important topic in the healthcare workplace.
Nutritional & Supplemental Safety – 3 Hours
The course “Nutritional Supplement Safety” will discuss the effectiveness of herbal and dietary supplements including safety precautions. In recent years, nutritional supplements have gained popularity in the general population in the hope that they will increase overall wellness of individuals looking to improve their health, or speed up recovery from an injury/surgery. This class will discuss when herbal and dietary supplements may be most effective, and when they should be avoided completely. Additional topics that will be explored are how the supplement industry was able to avoid the scrutiny of the FDA under the DSHEA Act, and safety measures providers can use in their day-to-day practice to educate patients on the safe use of herbal and dietary supplements. Contraindications of herbal and dietary supplements in conjunction with prescription medications will also be discussed. In addition, we explore popular herbal supplements and identify contraindications and safety precautions. The purpose of this course is to educate the provider on safety precautions in regards to herbal and nutritional supplements.
Understanding Breast Cancer – 7 Hours
Did you know that about 1 in 8 U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime? Key topics to be discussed include breast anatomy, how cancer spreads, inherited vs. acquired gene mutations, birth control risk factors, ways to minimize risk, research trends, and more. In this course, gain a comprehensive understanding of breast cancer and learn how patients can take action.
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