Tennessee Chiropractic Continuing Education 6 Credit Hour Savings Package


Guaranteed Safe Checkout


DC Package Savings – 50% Off Deal
Regular price $20 per creditnow $9.99 per credit.
You receive a total of 6 credits for $9.99 per credit hour.
Total $59.94
HIV/AIDS & Public Health – 3 Hours
In this course chiropractors will learn about the public health impact of AIDS/HIV. Additional topics to be discussed include ART, viral suppression, opportunistic infections, HIV and the aging community, and much more.
Sexual Boundaries for the Healthcare Provider Part 2 – 3 Hours, **Requirement
Why are sexual boundaries important, and what can we learn about them? This course aims to arm the chiropractor with information and techniques on how to uphold firm boundaries within the chiropractic practice. We address risky situations, identifying signs of attraction, boundary crossings, the power imbalance, social media and boundaries, and so much more.
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