Chiropractic Can Help You with Pelvic Pain

Chiropractic Can Help You with Pelvic Pain

            Chiropractic has an innate reputation of being the ultimate healing tool for the spine, but what many patients don’t realize is that the pelvis sits at the base of the spin, interacting with the lower back. Addressing pelvic pain head on with chiropractic treatment has the potential to rectify issues in the back that the patient may be having. In men, chronic pelvic pain in the United States is an estimated 2-16%, while in women it affects up to 25% of females at reproductive age, and 15% of all females worldwide. Chiropractic is the treatment option that makes the most sense as they are spine experts, and will understand how the spine is intricately connected to the pelvis treating.

Pelvic Pain

            The top function of the pelvis is to provide proper weight distribution in our bodies while standing, walking, sitting, or doing various daily activities. This weight distribution is achieved by the use of the extremely strong muscles, ligaments, and joints. Further, the pelvis plays an important role in the body by protecting vital organs like the bladder, part of the digestive tract, and the internal reproductive organs.

Possible Pevlic Pain Causes:

  • Appendicitis
  • Pregnancy
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Reproductive system conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ovarian cysts.
  • Spine misalignment
  • Injury
  • UTI (urinary tract infection)
  • Diverticulitis or colitis
  • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
  • Symphysis pubis dysfunction
There are some instances where the pelvic pain may be cause by a more serious health issue, and it is important that a patient engage in proper testing from various providers to truly understand their pelvic pain.

Common Pelvic Conditions:

  • Anterior Pelvic Tilt – the pelvis has tilted down in the front causing too much of a curve in the lower back and overly rounded stomach in some patients.
    • Symptoms of this include tightness and pain in the lower back, weakness in the gluteus and core muscles, and thigh or hamstring pain.
  • Lateral Pelvic Tilt – the pelvis is tilted to the side, and is commonly seen in those with scoliosis in the lower back and present with different leg lengths.
    • Symptoms of this include hip, knee, or low back pain on one side.
  • Posterior Pelvic Tilt – the front pelvis has tilted up, and the back drops down. This type of tilt often decreases the natural curve of the spine that should exist causing pain during activities that put pressure on the lumbar spine like jumping, running, and various other sports in general.
    • Symptoms of this include pain or usually what is described by patients as stiffness in the lower back up through the ribs, and pain in the buttocks, groin, and hips.
  • Pelvic Instability – commonly caused by childbirth, becoming dislocated and isn’t stable without clicking, pain, or popping.
    • Symptoms of this include pain in the hips, pelvis, and low back.
The pain is also varied between men and women. In men, it usually is commonly indicative of prostate inflammation, while in women it can be indicative of multiple issues from childbirth to digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome.

Chiropractic Treatment for Pelvic Pain

            As chiropractic providers, we are experts in all things having to do with the spine, and this includes the pelvis. The large bones of the pelvis connect with the sacrum seamlessly composed of 5 fused vertebrae, and if the foundation is off, so is the rest of the spine.

Chiropractic techniques for pelvic pain:

  • Spinal and pelvic adjustments – encourage proper alignment and healing
  • Treatment options for quick pain relief – this can include electrical stimulation, light therapy, and cold-heat therapy
  • Posture training – this can be with adjustments but also at home exercises/recommendations as proper posture is key to imp
  • Exercise – training for core and pelvic strength to encourage improved coordination
  • Manual therapy – reduce stiffness and pain
  • Lifestyle recommendations – diet, exercise, stress management, sleep habits, and more.

As a chiropractor, it is also helpful when dealing with all sorts of spinal issues, including the pelvis, that a certification in Chiropractic BioPhysics would make a difference in the knowledge and treatment for your patients. CBP technique has great results, and is a great technique to add to your chiropractic provider toolbox to truly have full spinal expertise when it comes to treating your patients.
Chiropractic treatment, as we know, is helpful for pelvic pain in many facets, not least of which is adjusting the spine at its core. Adjusting the sacroiliac joint will move the lower spine and pelvis into corrected alignment. This will release pressure on the nerves that connect to the joints in the back, pelvis, and buttocks. Regular chiropractic treatment allows the pelvis and lower back to maintain their proper position, and hopefully eliminate the possibly of future tilt and decrease pain in the pelvic region. Our goal as chiropractic providers is to remove the possibility of dysfunction in the pelvis, and therefore remove the likelihood of dysfunction in the rest of the body.