Chiropractic Works for Tendonitis

Chiropractic Works for Tendonitis

            As with any other health condition, standard medical treatment involves treating the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. Tendonitis is a painful condition that as chiropractic providers have a lot of experience with, and can help to avoid the patient experiencing chronic pain. Chiropractic care can be a great modality alongside other medical approaches like medication or physical therapy in an effort to mitigate the damage and pain of tendonitis. Being that chiropractic treatment innately has a focus on the musculoskeletal system, treatment for tendonitis not only makes sense but is a safer and more viable option to address the root cause of the patient’s tendonitis.


Tendonitis Symptoms & Causes


         Tendonitis, a condition caused by overuse, repeat movements, or injury. In some cases, it can heal on its own depending on the severity of the issue, but it may take many weeks or even months for inflammation to go down.

Tendonitis Symptoms:

  • Inflammation
  • Stiffness or tenderness around the area
  • Warmth around the area
  • Pain when the tendon is used
  • Redness
  • Trouble moving the area due to pain
  • Cracking of the affected joint
  • Restricted range of motion in the area

That being said, the symptoms that a patient may present with depends on the area of the body that is affected. Age can also affect both the probability of getting tendonitis, and the degree of severity. As the patient gets older, the tendons start to harden which can make the joints less flexible and more prone to tendonitis.

Tendonitis Causes:

  • Repetitive Movements – this is most commonly where tendonitis in our patients comes from. These repetitive movements put strain on the tendon which can cause inflammation and pain.
  • Injuries – this is self-explanatory in that it is causes by trauma directly on the affected tendon or from an underlying condition like arthritis.
  • Overuse – the tendon becomes overwhelmed with stress over its allotted capacity causing inflammation and irritation of the affected tendon.

Presenting Condition Symptoms:

  • Tennis Elbow – pain on the outer part of the elbow potentially radiating down to the wrist.
  • Swimmer’s or Pitcher’s Shoulder – inflammation and aching pain limiting range of motion in the muscles and tendons which stabilize the shoulder.
  • Golfer’s or Pitcher’s Elbow – pain on the inner part of the elbow potentially radiating down the forearm and to the wrist.
  • Jumper’s Knee – pain near the knee in the tendon which connects the patella to the tibia. The pain is commonly felt below the knee cap but can be slightly above.

Healing tendonitis really depends on the severity, but on average it can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. If it goes untreated, it can lead to chronic pain in the affected area, and make the tendons more susceptible to future injuries and scarring of the tendons. In serious cases, untreated tendonitis can cause permanent disability and/or deformity as well as decrease movement. In the worst cases, the tendon can even rupture from lack of treatment. Common treatments in standard medicine can be medication, and even cortisone injections but these only mask the symptoms temporarily. Chiropractic treatment for tendonitis is a drug-free alternative without the harmful side-effects.


Chiropractic for Tendonitis


            Chiropractic treatment can help speed up recovery on those with tendonitis by utilizing various adjustment techniques designed to best decrease inflammation, break up any scar tissue, and return the affected area to full function.


Chiropractic Treatment Options for Tendonitis:


  • Electrotherapy – aids in tissue repair and promotes circulation and nerve activity
  • Low-level laser therapy – aids in tissue repair, decrease inflammation, and encourage pain relief.
  • Anti-inflammatory supplements
  • Muscle massage
  • Spinal Adjustments – these improve mobility and decreases pain. Although tendonitis is an issue in the tendons, it is important patients know the significance of spinal manipulation’s role in treating tendonitis. Many times their neck and back pain is caused by tendonitis, and proper spinal alignment will aid in encouraging the body’s natural healing, enhance biomechanics, and decrease the strain on the affected tendon.
  • Graston Technique – It has been found that this technique is particularly helpful when treating tendonitis. It helps to break down scar tissue, and promotes circulation. It addresses soft tissue malformations that are directly associated with tendonitis.
  • Shockwave Therapy – promotes regeneration of the tendons as well as the surrounding tissues, known for its pain reduction and improved mobility results in treating tendonitis.
  • Ultrasound therapy – encourages healing
  • Cryotherapy – decrease inflammation
  • Exercises and stretches – increase flexibility, range of motion, and strength
  • Lifestyle changes – reduce stress and decrease the impact of tendonitis symptoms in daily life.

Incorporating any or all over time in a comprehensive treatment can give the patient tendonitis pain relief, and restore optimal nervous system function.


Frequently Asked Patient Questions Regarding Tendonitis Chiropractic Treatment:


  • Can chiropractic cure my tendonitis?
    • Chiropractic is highly effective in aiding to treat tendonitis, but it is important to always advise the patient that it is a cohesive part of an overall treatment plan with other providers. Under-promise, over-deliver.
  • Is chiropractic treatment safe for tendonitis?
    • Patients should always be advised to consult with a medical professional to be sure that chiropractic is right for their particular set of symptoms and/or condition. In general, chiropractic is safe for most types of tendonitis.
  • Are there any side effects to treating my tendonitis with chiropractic?
    • As with all patients, we should advise them that chiropractic is a non-invasive, and low-risk option. They should also be made aware of, although rare, some people may experience mild soreness after a session, but are often short lived.
  • How often do I need to come to chiropractic for tendonitis?
    • Again, as with all patient conditions, this will depend on the severity of the issues they are dealing with. This can only be determined after physically examining the patient to see their range of motion, strength, and symptoms to determine the best treatment plan for them.

Chiropractic treatment offers a safe, natural approach to mitigating and preventing tendonitis and the issues that come with it. Even though each type of tendonitis comes with its own unique set of characteristics, chiropractic is ideal for these conditions as it is not a “one size fits all” type of treatment giving way to individualized treatment. The sooner that tendonitis is treated with chiropractic, the better in order to keep the condition from worsening.

Most of all, it is important that the patient understands, especially with our profession or any alternative medical care, that just like with standard medical care, healing takes time and is not a quick fix. Additionally, following the treatment plan is truly the best way to better guarantee the best results possible. Chiropractic addresses the root cause of tendonitis and aids in healing, and can potentially provide lasting relief from tendonitis.

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