Utah Chiropractic Continuing Education
Utah Chiropractic Continuing Education Requirements
Your Requirements:
Chiropractor licenses expire on May 31 of even years.
Chiropractors are required to obtain a total of 40 hours.
• No more than 4 hours in marketing or practice building
• Licensees who practice acupuncture must complete 10 Hours in acupuncture
Renewal deadline is May 31st, 2026
Distance Learning Allowed:
10 Hours
What we can do for you:
We offer you a discounted 10 credit hour package,
OR you may select a course individually in the listings below.
If you are certified in acupuncture, we offer a 10 Credit Hour Distance Learning Acupuncture Package.
You can browse individual acupuncture courses for Utah in the course listings below.
Utah Chiropractic Continuing Education 10 Credit Hour Savings Package
DC Package Savings – 50% Off Deal
Regular price $20 per credit, now $9.99 per credit.
You receive a total of 10 credits for $9.99 per credit hour.
Total $99.90